In the event of inclement weather, each individual and team must make the decision whether or not to attend a tournament. This decision must be made regardless of whether the tournament director or Region decides to hold the tournament and whether or not other local teams decide to attend. Should inclement weather cause a team to decide not to attend a tournament, the team captain or other team representative must notify the Tournament Director and the Region Office immediately.

Generally speaking, the Region will make every effort to hold a tournament. The Region will almost NEVER cancel a tournament based on “predicted” weather. The assumption should be made that a tournament will be held, unless you are notified otherwise. If you must contact the tournament director or Region coordinator, please have only the club/team rep contact the office so duplicate inquiries from the same club/team can be avoided.

For inclement weather that strikes the day of a tournament, it is unlikely that a tournament director could contact all teams beforehand, so the tournament will be held for all teams that are able to make it.

Should inclement weather threaten or affect a scheduled tournament, consult the following actions:

Prior to a storm:

  • Thoroughly inspect the interior/exterior building and ancillary buildings to identify possible issues including: roof drains, water pipes, heaters and generators
  • Confirm doors, windows, vents and other openings are weather-tight
  • Complete any pending truss repairs or maintenance
  • Confirm there is an adequate heating fuel supply in the event of an emergency
  • Develop an emergency plan for the removal of snow and ice from:
    • Roof to prevent collapse
    • Access roads, driveways and private roads to accommodate emergency vehicles
    • Hydrants and control valves for easy access
  • Ensure there is adequate rock salt, sand and snow removal equipment on site
  • Verify any contracted snow removal services have proper insurance – request certificates
  • Maintain current contact information for emergency contacts, key personnel and insurance agents
  • Designate an individual to monitor weather conditions and keep management informed of the approaching weather conditions.


During a storm:

  • Keep walkways clear by frequently shoveling/salting
  • Maintain proper mats and clean up in concourse areas as customers bring in snow and ice
  • Monitor the weather conditions and keep employees and customers informed
  • Reduce liquor liability by designating a driver or taxi services available to deter customers from driving in inclement weather.