Club Representative Meeting


Please join us December 1, 2018, 7 PM to 9PM, in Richmond, Embassy Suites for an ODR club representative meeting. (Social hour 6pm to 7pm).

Presentations will be given by the following:

  • Charisse Britt will address membership registration and Webpoint navigation.
  • Bob Kyle will cover uniform requirements for 2018-2019 season, Junior Officials Training & certification program and answer any rule related questions.
  • Mary Kylander will cover how to register for SafeSport and the procedure of reporting a SafeSport issue.
  • Tammy Elliott will discuss ODR single day tournament registration, deadlines, team acceptance and most Junior related issues not covered by previous staff members.

If you have specific questions or topics of discussion, please send me an email with your request by November 17th. We will have a brief meeting with new club representatives at the end of the general meeting for any needed clarifications.

Please RSVP by November 5th  to give adequate time for us to prepare.  A hotel room will be provided (one room per club) for attendees. You MUST RSVP by November 5th to be eligible for the free room! I know some Representatives are local and may not need a room so please indicate in your RSVP if you do or do not need a room. Also indicate the number and names of Representatives attending the meeting.

Clubs responding later than November 5th may still attend the meeting but will not be eligible for a free room.

We want to see you! PLEASE COME!!!!!!!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tammy Elliott
ODR Girls and Boys Coordinator